Alright, it begins with the ending, in that if you are reading this, you're seeing the only place currently actively selling the full Fenneko sticker set. (As well as saying her name out loud.) Yep that's right, if you go to Etsy those 'Pregnancy variants' won't be for sale. Eventually, I intend to be selling all the NSFW content exclusively on my personal site, to avoid running afoul of Etsy's TOS as I expect it to get worse with time, and my older items to get shot down one by one. For now though, it's only the Preggers versions left to be exclusive on this site. I will say, thank god I went with the 'Fall theme' rather than Halloween, it gave me some wiggle room with releases that my declining health forced me to cash in on. Shame really, as I wanted to squeeze in a Mismagius gal sticker. But what can you do?
Anyway, here's the final entrance in the 'Autumn Office Cuties' set, the 'Feisty Fennec'. To me, she probably turned out the second-best in the set, but that's personal bias over my favorite gal. Still, you could do much worse than this devious little schemer. She's a classy lady, even if she's a bit too noisy for her own good. Just know, if you managed to score a date with her, you've already passed her very thorough online background checks to make sure that you aren't too much of a nerd. And if you're very lucky, and she has just a bit too much mulled wine, she might show you a boob.
This set comes with five different variants. The main three are "Casual Class", the SFW sticker. "Curtain Call", one of the sneaky little NSFW stickers, because of course she would go bottomless to a date. And lastly, the 'Engraved Invitation" which is obviously full NSFW. However, as your on my personal store, you could also pick up the "Naughty Nightgown", featuring the handsome VR Unicorn making a guest if that's what you were paying attention to. And the "Hungry and Horny" version of that sticker, where Fenn is 'showing' she's got nothing to hide. Remember, those last two are NSFW, and exclusive to this listing only!
As for what's next...I can't say...god only knows. Happy Autumn everyone!